If you haven’t heard of PFDs, then get acquainted with them. The PFD is an acronym that stands for Pile Driving Underwear. It essentially means that the kids are wearing PFDs every single day. The PFDs are typically made with a mesh under the waistband of the diaper and are made for the most sensitive feet.
As a parent of two boys, I have been a little overzealous in my PFD-wearing, but it’s good to see PFDs are back in style, or at least for my two boys. I can’t see a future where I only have to wear them to school.
One of the great things about PFDs is that they’re designed to be worn every day. For most kids, they’re worn once a week until they graduate from high school. Then they’re worn once a month until they die. You can also wear them at the park, or at the beach, or at a swimming pool, or even a grocery store, just make sure it’s not the park at lunchtime.
Thats a good idea, or at least one that I have. I had a friend recently who was wearing PFDs to school. The kids were playing in the schoolyard, and she didn’t realize that she was wearing out the PFDs until she looked up and saw the kids jumping off the playground and then running away. After about half an hour, she told me she threw the PFDs all over the playground, and even got thrown one into the tree.
The kids in this new video are just getting their PFDs over the fence. They’re playing around the pool, and when they notice the PFDs on the playground, they run away. That is a good idea though, or at least one that I have. I had a friend recently who was wearing PFDs to school. The kids were playing around the pool, and when they notice the PFDs on the playground, they run away.
I don’t think these kids are bad, and I can see why the school made them wear these, but I do think we need to be a little more careful around them. One of the many things about these kids is that unless they are wearing the right gear, they can really piss off the playground. It also doesn’t help that the PFDs always seem to be on the same side of the fence, which makes it much harder to avoid them.
I don’t think the kids should have worn the wetsuits, but if you happen to witness a kid being attacked, and you know they’re wearing one, you should tell the school.
The kids have apparently been wearing wetsuits since the mid-90’s and the school has no idea about it. They have a few different theories on it, ranging from they’re just a bunch of kiddies, to that kids wear them because they make them look cool, to that they are in a state of panic and the wetsuits are a distraction to make the kids stay calm.
The wetsuit’s been around for decades, so it seems to be a fairly universal kids’ item. But the reason it’s not worn by kids is because it’s so loud and scary. It’s also not very water-resistant, so it will soak up quite a bit of water. (And yes, I realize you can get wet and still have the wetsuit on, but I can’t think of a good reason to wear one that is safe to wear.
I think the wetsuit is safe to wear if you’re wearing it inside. You can make it waterproof, for sure. But a major disadvantage is the fact that it makes people feel self-conscious about swimming, not to mention the fact that it makes people look weird. If you want to get into swimming, it’s better to just go outside.