
wing surf

150 150 Yash

This wing surf is another option to use in the summer when you’re getting ready to get a break from the beach. The top layer is just the right size…

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roy sanchez surfboards

150 150 Yash

The most recent update to the website is, of course, the new print ad that we produced for the surfboards. The site has been a little slow lately, but we’ve…

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shark leash

150 150 Yash

I love the idea of shark leash. It’s a little silly, but I love the idea of owning a shark. This shark has a good attitude and knows that all…

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surf longboard

150 150 Yash

The most beautiful thing about surf is that it is not just about water. It’s about water and wind, and the air.It’s like eating a really good meal; the flavors…

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corkcicle tumbler lid

150 150 Yash

Have you ever been to a bar? The majority of the people that come are either from the industry or have an appreciation for the arts. They order a cocktail…

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fcs 2 quad fins

150 150 Yash

The FCS 2 fins are two of the best aerodynamic fins you can buy, and a great way to get up to speed in a new boat.They are also a…

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wetsuit hoods

150 150 Yash

I’m a huge fan of all kinds of wet suits. I’m especially a fan of the waterproof hoods found at outdoor gear stores. They are fantastic! You can get them…

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c4 construction

150 150 Yash

I don’t care about the size of your home, nor do I care that it is so small. I know you’re a fan of building, but the fact is that…

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hayling island beach parking

150 150 Yash

This is one of the places I like to park. It’s a short walk to the beach, it’s safe, and it’s the perfect place to set backpacks for my girls…

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